Those favoring defence can always opt for perdition gloves as it offers much better armor stats. Alternative itemisationĬreeping rings with relevant resists/stats are a phenomenal (albeit less offensive) alternative to the current pair used in the GT. This is further bolstered by permascension + permabsolution courtesy of CDR & Aeon’s. With CS on a 0.2s CD, YUHU tears through enemies. Ghoul/resilience act as phenomenal circuit breakers during any window of vulnerability when both OG/Absolution are down, with ghoul being the strongest possible defensive pick-up on the spec due to its interaction with aeon’s. The spec boasts incredible uptime on absolution/OG with 100% block recovery/chance when both are active.
It’s too easy to make a piloting error in SR, especially with arcane mobs. At least not without pharma, and without aggro-abuse. While I believe that it’s techincally possible to do this consistently, I would NOT recommend trying it if you play HC. I wanted to do 3x consecutive SR 80 runs with full aggro, but GD kept crashing. To really demonstrate the viability of this spec in HC naked/extra Cr, I dropped shieldwall and phoenix for anvil/affliction. To all HC players - consider yourself warned. Naked runs can be done with 100% consistency with GOOD piloting. Minor component/augment changes were made to the spec for the ravager kill (I was also testing DG over shield wall here). YT ( SR 75 - 80 with full aggro): Įverything was done without the use of pharma. YT ( 4x HC 170 clears naked/extra spawns):
YT (~7:45 naked crucible with extra spawn): YT ( 3min ravager of the minds kill): GT (Targo + Phoenix): <- Unkillable iron giant